Dan Paterson wasn’t just the owner of Wakefield CrossFit—he was its heart and soul. A coach, an inspiration, and a relentless adventurer, Dan dedicated his life to pushing boundaries, both for himself and for everyone he trained.
In 2024, Dan achieved a lifelong dream—reaching the summit of Mount Everest. It was a testament to his unwavering determination and belief that no goal was too big. Tragically, during his descent, an accident took him from us too soon. While his journey ended on the world’s highest peak, his legacy continues to inspire.
Dan built more than just a gym—he built a community. His passion for fitness, adventure, and personal growth is woven into the very fabric of Wakefield CrossFit. Every class, every rep, and every challenge we take on is a reflection of his belief in pushing limits and chasing dreams.
We honour Dan not just by remembering him, but by living the way he did—fearlessly, passionately, and with an unbreakable spirit.